The Motto of the College is न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते (Na hi dnyanen Sadrisham Pavitra mih vidyate) as said in the Bhagvat gita which means, "nothing is as sacred as knowledge in this world" With this undoubted faith in the quality of Knowledge, the college has set different goals such as:
To establish a center of higher education offering undergraduate and post graduate courses to serve rural society.
Community development through various extension activities.
To provide practical and skill-based knowledge to students for creating self employment and employment opportunities in private and public sectors.
To promote the use of Information Technology in teaching, learning, research and evaluation.
To widen the college-industry network.
To offer extension services to farmers in the surrounding areas with the help of college extension counters set up in different villages with active involvement of past students and local village youth.
To ensure a safe learning campus environment for all and especially for girl students.
To undertake continuous assessment of students.
To develop research attitude among students and teachers to cater to the local and global needs.
To create environmental awareness to save and conserve nature.
To develop scientific temperament among students and teachers.
To promote nationalistic ideals and values among students and teachers.
The college has been organizing its daily activities keeping in view of the fundamental goals of the institution vis-à-vis providing quality education, useful practical skills, generating knowledge and initiating various community development programme to enable the all-round development of the rural students.